
Conceptual Overview

The GTFS Data Manager enables exchange and coordination of data creation, updates, validation and deployment of GTFS data feeds for transit schedules.

The platform allows GTFS producers (transit operators, local governments, etc.) to share existing feeds or utilize the build function in GTFS Editor to create and maintain feeds. GTFS creators can use the built in validator to check for potential issues.

Data Manager Concepts


Projects are collections of feed sources and deployments.

Feed Sources

Feed sources define the locations or upstream sources of GTFS feeds. These can be any combination of:

  1. Manually Uploaded - Manually collected/managed feeds provided directly by an external source.
  2. Fetched Automatically - Public available feeds that can be fetch from a URL
  3. Produced In House - Internally managed/created feeds produced by GTFS Editor

Feed Versions

Feed Versions store specific instances of a GTFS feed for a given feed source as published over time. Each Feed Version has an associated GTFS file that is stored within the Data Manager, can be downloaded by users, and for which detailed information such as validation results is available.


Internally managed GTFS data sets are pulled from the GTFS Editor using “snapshots” created in the editor interface. These snapshots are static versions of the data set, or save points, that can be exported, or used as starting point for future edits. The Data manager only imports snapshotted versions of feeds. This allows users to ensure the correct version of data is being imported and to retrieve and review data in the future.

Note: See section 2.6 in GTFS Editor User Manual for more information on snapshots.